Click here to find out more information about Democratic candidates running for office in the upcoming election in the city of Cumberland
Click here to find out more information about Democratic candidates running for office in the upcoming election in
Allegany County
However, some of them have information available from social media, news articles and other outreach. We're just getting started, so come back to see additional candidate information.
However, some of them have information available from social media, news articles and other outreach. We're just getting started, so come back to see additional candidate information.
Come back to see additional candidate information
Mitch McConnell will likely pass through Cumberland on his one way drive back to Kentucky. But there's so much more! Check out and support these other candidates as we take back the Senate and show our children that America is better than what they've seen lately.
Amy McGrath - A retired US Marine Corps Lieutenant Colonel is running for the US Senate to fix Washington and give Kentuckians back their voice.
Steve Bullock - Democrats have a great opportunity to pick up a Senate seat in Big Sky Country
Mark Kelly - “I Want To Represent Arizonans, Not Corporations”. Enough said.
John Hickenlooper - John started Colorado's first brewpub. A businessman who knows how to work across the aisle.
Sara Gideon - Maine doesn't need more broken promises from Susan Collins. Let's help send Sara to the Senate.
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